I disagreed! Toyota the finest car? Oh no! Maybe before Toyota was wholly owned by Japanese who are the maker of this brand, but after American joined, these toyota become more famous but to tell you, i doubt if there are no other people like me who really had a nightmare of repairs to be done for a newly bought one. And when you bring it to Toyota service, they will charge you of whatever they think they wanted to charge you and they know well what are those "these and that" to be change, to be adjusted, to be cleaned, to be etc etc, eventhough behind it, they didn't even gave a damn to see the car, especially if you are a lady like me who they think they can fool that i don't know anything about cars anyway.... they charge you for check up, for telling or asking them why there is sound or the gear is wiggling, or why is there something leaking....While compare to Korean made i have, like Britex, Kia, but not pink, had neve gave me any headache, (i am not of anything connected to Kia, so i am not promoting) i am just telling what i experienced with cars, less expensive, just regular maintenace and really good, Kia had with me for five years now but never hanged me in the road, while, the Huge, strong looking Land cruiser of mine which is just 2 years old, with regular checkup and maintenance, had put me in trouble many times....maintenace and service is so costly...
"There's nothing we can do to change the past, if it teaches you a lesson profit from it then, forget it."
I disagreed! Toyota the finest car? Oh no! Maybe before Toyota was wholly owned by Japanese who are the maker of this brand, but after American joined, these toyota become more famous but to tell you, i doubt if there are no other people like me who really had a nightmare of repairs to be done for a newly bought one. And when you bring it to Toyota service, they will charge you of whatever they think they wanted to charge you and they know well what are those "these and that" to be change, to be adjusted, to be cleaned, to be etc etc, eventhough behind it, they didn't even gave a damn to see the car, especially if you are a lady like me who they think they can fool that i don't know anything about cars anyway.... they charge you for check up, for telling or asking them why there is sound or the gear is wiggling, or why is there something leaking....While compare to Korean made i have, like Britex, Kia, but not pink, had neve gave me any headache, (i am not of anything connected to Kia, so i am not promoting) i am just telling what i experienced with cars, less expensive, just regular maintenace and really good, Kia had with me for five years now but never hanged me in the road, while, the Huge, strong looking Land cruiser of mine which is just 2 years old, with regular checkup and maintenance, had put me in trouble many times....maintenace and service is so costly...
"There's nothing we can do to change the past, if it teaches you a lesson profit from it then, forget it."