Zhyiella..thank for the advise and sorry for late reply but just saw your msg..
I would rather live with wrong transaction and have peace of mind trying to correct things lol Relax!
VB..no worries..and good luck!
Indians are one of the fruits of life btw...simple, humble, intelligent, basic, and most of all human! just wanted to cooment on this :)
Sorry for the hijack but i am sure you all got use to it by now!
Should not we post a topic titled: free subject?? so that we can use it as a sitting room where discussing just evolves without writers complaining about hijacks!
Zhyiella..thank for the advise and sorry for late reply but just saw your msg..
I would rather live with wrong transaction and have peace of mind trying to correct things lol Relax!
VB..no worries..and good luck!
Indians are one of the fruits of life btw...simple, humble, intelligent, basic, and most of all human! just wanted to cooment on this :)
Sorry for the hijack but i am sure you all got use to it by now!
Should not we post a topic titled: free subject?? so that we can use it as a sitting room where discussing just evolves without writers complaining about hijacks!
I don't think this happened in QL before..
Back to friendship plz!