First of all no matter what you learn the main thing people dont have is mental alertness. If she's a whimp, as you say, when confronted by 3 guys there's nothing really she can do, and we are not talking about some black belt martial arts expert. I suggest instead of wasting time and money on karate lessons you invest into learning to be more street smart, that will get u out of trouble 9 times out of 10 in a real world situation. If you hit like a girl which i'm sure many will know dont really hurt a man much all those karate moves isnt going to help either. If you know WHERE to hit like a girl you can take any man down.
On the other hand if you just want to scream hooo haa then i think there's a kickboxing classes opp Jarir and a karate school somewhere on the inside lanes of jarir. get in touch with this user "loulsy" her bro goes for kickboxing classes :)
Good Fortune always comes knocking at your door...when you are sh*tting in the toilet!! :)
First of all no matter what you learn the main thing people dont have is mental alertness. If she's a whimp, as you say, when confronted by 3 guys there's nothing really she can do, and we are not talking about some black belt martial arts expert. I suggest instead of wasting time and money on karate lessons you invest into learning to be more street smart, that will get u out of trouble 9 times out of 10 in a real world situation. If you hit like a girl which i'm sure many will know dont really hurt a man much all those karate moves isnt going to help either. If you know WHERE to hit like a girl you can take any man down.
On the other hand if you just want to scream hooo haa then i think there's a kickboxing classes opp Jarir and a karate school somewhere on the inside lanes of jarir. get in touch with this user "loulsy" her bro goes for kickboxing classes :)
Good Fortune always comes knocking at your door...when you are sh*tting in the toilet!! :)