
smoking patches available in most pharmacies.

Nothing will help you quit smoking but yourself.

I was a smoker 5+ years ago..

Here are my experiences:

1- I use to smoke 1 packet a day and reduced gradually to 4 cigs a day hoping that I will break free. THIS APPROACH FAILED.

2- Tried smoking patches. It ran my throat dry and I felt like hypnotised. Bad remedy really. THIS APPROACH FAILED.

3- Determination. When I use to smoke, i leave the office to smoke and interrupt work, i make my car smelling cigarrets, it destroyed my health and i become like a dog after running for a minute or so. So I decided to stop smoking no matter what because I said to myself that all consequences and health issues that affect me from smoking have to stop. This solution WORKED!!!

You have to convince yourself that you must stop.

Don't fool urself thinking u r addicted and cannot stop.

It is an addiction but you can live normally without it.

I stopped smoking suddenly without issues.

When you stop smoking, your return to it is a matter of the first cigs after stopping. If you decide to reward urself after few months, you will become a smoker and back to square.1.

The advantages and gains from stopping smoking are really worth it.
Hope this helps.

Good luck and let me know if you need further help.