It's amazing how judgemental people are here about people they don't even know. They are also quick to jump to conclusions. Who said anything about me being single all my life? QS you have selective reading skills and only see what you want to see and interpret it the way you want to and not as it really is. Zhyiellha why all the insults? If you had posted the topic I would be trying to help you not insult you. What's with the people on this site? Nadinenana thanks for trying to calm the situation.
It's amazing how judgemental people are here about people they don't even know. They are also quick to jump to conclusions. Who said anything about me being single all my life? QS you have selective reading skills and only see what you want to see and interpret it the way you want to and not as it really is. Zhyiellha why all the insults? If you had posted the topic I would be trying to help you not insult you. What's with the people on this site? Nadinenana thanks for trying to calm the situation.