Even the title of your post says to me about your selfishness: “FED UP WITH WOMEN” … this is your way of approaching to this matter: here I AM, so good, so well educated, so “normal”, successful, good looking… I am EVERYTHING – on one side .. and all these WOMEN who you are fed up with – on the other side…
..one part of these idiotic women (those who “I AM” interested in) don’t appreciate “ME”! And another part (some crap which “I AM NOT” interested in) cannot understand that they are just invisible for “Me”…
You r even using the expressions ”I am interested”, I am not interested”… your girl, you wife, your lifemate is NOT some sort of the merchandises that you can be or can be not interested in… It is rather about FEELINGS… You either love or your don’t.. and again it seems like you don’t know what love is…
Come down to Earth, take yourself off the pedestal, develop your HEART, not your “searching skills”, and I am sure you will see a lot of interesting, lovely and nice, giving and sharing girls around..REAL ones, not some myths that probably you are "looking" for...

“You become responsible forever for what you have tamed”. Antoine de Saint-Exupéry