Never mind the amount of food for the price. Think about the lack of hygiene in these places. Everyone coughs without covering their mouths and a recent article in the Gulf Times pointed out that the viruses hang in the air encased in microscopic water droplets from the cough for a very long time. I doubt you can order anything without disease from the cook or the server being in your drink or on your food.
Even Paul's has waiters coughing while serving. Amazing that customers do not leave. It appears that customers are bigger idiots than the management of these restaurants...
On another note, the best waiters from Paul's Villagio moved to Paul's in Landmark. But the girls at the till still touch food when you order out and you have to tell them to change their gloves. They seem to think that after handling money the gloves are still safe. As has been shown by studies in the states paper money has fecal matter in its fibers from the unclean... That's appetizing! Do you like s*it with your pie? That's how Paul's like to serve it!
Never mind the amount of food for the price. Think about the lack of hygiene in these places. Everyone coughs without covering their mouths and a recent article in the Gulf Times pointed out that the viruses hang in the air encased in microscopic water droplets from the cough for a very long time. I doubt you can order anything without disease from the cook or the server being in your drink or on your food.
Even Paul's has waiters coughing while serving. Amazing that customers do not leave. It appears that customers are bigger idiots than the management of these restaurants...
On another note, the best waiters from Paul's Villagio moved to Paul's in Landmark. But the girls at the till still touch food when you order out and you have to tell them to change their gloves. They seem to think that after handling money the gloves are still safe. As has been shown by studies in the states paper money has fecal matter in its fibers from the unclean... That's appetizing! Do you like s*it with your pie? That's how Paul's like to serve it!
Have a nice day!