Let's suppose the Holocaust is a fact. Let's suppose 6 million Jews starved or were killed by Nazis. But then twice more Russians also died in the war. Millions from other nations that were not involved in the war also died. Japanese innocent souls were also burnt by US atomic bombs.
Now, do these events give the Russians a pretext to commit other holocausts? Do the Japanese have the right to massacre whoever does not show sympathy to Hiroshima and Nagasaki?
Secondly, if at all any holocaust took place, it was the Europeans and Christians who committed it. Why should the Muslims suffer for something they are not responsible? As Ahmadinejad once said, why weren't the Jews given a home in Germany or America?
Thirdly, let's suppose it was right that homeless Jews were given a home in Palestine. Why has the US and Europe given the Zionist State the right to invade and occupy neighbouring nations and never return their lands? Why has holocaust perpetrator been given green signal to illegally expand Jewish settlements and entrap Palestinians in every possible way?
It must be remembered that, as a Palestinian said, as long as there is no justice, there won't be peace. And history repeats itself. If today the Palestinian Muslims are at the receiving end, there will be a time when the Israelis, the Americans and whoever is allowing injustice to continue, will be at the receiving end.