Polly, GOLDEN RULE: "Be moderate"
Mean to say that too much proactiveness or turning your back to problems/mismanagement both are very dangerous in Job
A clever employee always make its move according to the environment. If it's a creative environment, then take full advantage of it. Show urself that how much creative & well wisher you are for the company but if it's quite tensed environment, then be blind & deaf for your surroundings and wait for the right moment.
Otherwise, best option leave that COMPANY and seek for more professional, well famous company in your city
Polly, GOLDEN RULE: "Be moderate"
Mean to say that too much proactiveness or turning your back to problems/mismanagement both are very dangerous in Job
A clever employee always make its move according to the environment. If it's a creative environment, then take full advantage of it. Show urself that how much creative & well wisher you are for the company but if it's quite tensed environment, then be blind & deaf for your surroundings and wait for the right moment.
Otherwise, best option leave that COMPANY and seek for more professional, well famous company in your city