On the topic of Oxytocin, it is true that it's associated with sex, but it's not only "released" after having sex. The fact is that having a good healthy relationship actually increases the chances of high secretion of Oxytocin when having sex and the lack of security within a relationship decreases the level of Oxytocin within the body. Hence you get the term "having emotionless sex"!! High levels of Oxytocin lead to a higher sense of bonding when having sex, so it's not the sex that leads to Oxytocin, but the Oxytocin would lead to a tense sexual experience and feeling of pleasure.
Linking that to the prostitution emotionless sex, that would explain why prostitutes and "customers" don't feel a bond when having sex, it's because they didn't have any kind of pleasurable memory or experience that built up the existence of Oxytocin to be released during sex.
On the topic of Oxytocin, it is true that it's associated with sex, but it's not only "released" after having sex. The fact is that having a good healthy relationship actually increases the chances of high secretion of Oxytocin when having sex and the lack of security within a relationship decreases the level of Oxytocin within the body. Hence you get the term "having emotionless sex"!! High levels of Oxytocin lead to a higher sense of bonding when having sex, so it's not the sex that leads to Oxytocin, but the Oxytocin would lead to a tense sexual experience and feeling of pleasure.
Linking that to the prostitution emotionless sex, that would explain why prostitutes and "customers" don't feel a bond when having sex, it's because they didn't have any kind of pleasurable memory or experience that built up the existence of Oxytocin to be released during sex.