Do anybody seem to remember the mal gibson episode where he showed some FACTs in his blockbuster hit movie and followed that up with sumthing against the jews and how he was loathed every where for his freedom of expression

Tell me that is not double standards.

no body asked him to justify his claims just loathed him for citing some facts

everyone just plain simple loathed him for speaking out against the jews!

but when it comes to ISLAM, even protesting against defaming of the figurehead of the religion is deemed intolerant,extremist and God knows what else

For all those who still defend the Dane(not the Dog) and wants him to engage in a dialogs and try to justify what he did
i have one word to describe them HYPOCRATES

Life is too short to think about the uneditable past and plan about the unpredictable future!!!!!

So take a chill pill
Relax, enjoy and savour the moment till u can and it lasts.