News from actual ground...Most Qataris did not know this guy was coming over. Had we known, I doubt Felmming's safe return to Denmark! Not only Qataris, but all muslims in Qatar would try to get this guy.

Is it freedom of expression to symobolise prophet muhammad as a comical character and showing him lighting bombs or whatever!

If you want to criticise, fine, but you should not do it in a discriminating way. You still can do it within polite and appropriate words within English lang.

This is an act that has some people behind the scenes promote it for personal gains!

Ghandi, who is known for peaceful approaches, has stated that it was not the sword which spread prophet's message!

check it here with other known historical figures quotes:

It is not that this Danish guy excercises free expressions but he is twisting facts. If he is a true journalist, he would abide by journalism international code of ethics and present facts!

Qataris are pursuing a punishment against DCMF and involved authorities who allowed entry to this guy.

There are many fools who misunderstand what free expression means and take it to swear and get as low as they could simply because it would sell not to correctly inform.

P.S. remember that freedom of expression exists no where on this earth!