Media freedom or not!

thats danish guy had no right to point fingers at other religions respectable figureheads coz that if violating the rules of a religion!!

may b just because in the west u can say anything about jesus christ doesnt give u the license to talk in the same tone or make impressions in the same way coz if ur mocking ur religion thats not offensive to other religions but if u say something or portray something thats offensive to another school of thought/religion u are commiting a collective interfernce in those people's collective way of life!

(its a pretty comon practice to hear in the hollywood teen comedies for a young lad to c a chick and say jesus !! she has got two beauties on her and like wise but not all religions use their religious figureheads names with such leisure for expression )
so just for this reasoning that
i run blades over my own skin so i m equally entitled to scratch u with my blades too ,
u CANNOT follow the same thing for other schools of thoughts

Life is too short to think about the uneditable past and plan about the unpredictable future!!!!!

So take a chill pill
Relax, enjoy and savour the moment till u can and it lasts.