All those who are backing the media with out reins thingy!!!
i would love to c ur reaction if a pappa razi for some reason managed to get snapshots from ur bedroom time with ur spouse and publish it in the papers or plaster it over the internet!!!
who ever is comfortable with that i take my hat off for them(i dont wear hats anyways) for being able to go to this length in their support!!
if not then dont flag for a totally free media!!!
i would like too hear comments from the total media freedom trumpet beaters on this one please!!!!!!
Life is too short to think about the uneditable past and plan about the unpredictable future!!!!!
So take a chill pill
Relax, enjoy and savour the moment till u can and it lasts.
All those who are backing the media with out reins thingy!!!
i would love to c ur reaction if a pappa razi for some reason managed to get snapshots from ur bedroom time with ur spouse and publish it in the papers or plaster it over the internet!!!
who ever is comfortable with that i take my hat off for them(i dont wear hats anyways) for being able to go to this length in their support!!
if not then dont flag for a totally free media!!!
i would like too hear comments from the total media freedom trumpet beaters on this one please!!!!!!
Life is too short to think about the uneditable past and plan about the unpredictable future!!!!!
So take a chill pill
Relax, enjoy and savour the moment till u can and it lasts.