For a long time, it was believed that an intact hymen was evidence of a girl's virginity, as the hymen posed a barrier to sexual intercourse.
Some girls who are still virgins have no hymen at all.
Also there have been some cases in which girls who have had several sexual intercources had an intact Hymen. This condition is also called as elastic hymen. A minor surgical procedure should remove the hymen is such cases as elastic hymens sometimes do cause pain during sexual intercourse.
Girls who do have a hymen can break their hymen in a number of differerent ways, many times without even knowing it.
Some of the non-sexual ways in which a hymen will tear are:
1. Through an accident or injury.
2. Horseback riding, bicycling, high jumping, gymnastics or similar sports.
3. Insertion of finger or instrument by doctor during pelvic exam.
4. Tampon insertion.
While the presence of a hymen indicates virginity, the absence of one is definately not a proof a girl is not a virgin.
For a long time, it was believed that an intact hymen was evidence of a girl's virginity, as the hymen posed a barrier to sexual intercourse.
Some girls who are still virgins have no hymen at all.
Also there have been some cases in which girls who have had several sexual intercources had an intact Hymen. This condition is also called as elastic hymen. A minor surgical procedure should remove the hymen is such cases as elastic hymens sometimes do cause pain during sexual intercourse.
Girls who do have a hymen can break their hymen in a number of differerent ways, many times without even knowing it.
Some of the non-sexual ways in which a hymen will tear are:
1. Through an accident or injury.
2. Horseback riding, bicycling, high jumping, gymnastics or similar sports.
3. Insertion of finger or instrument by doctor during pelvic exam.
4. Tampon insertion.
While the presence of a hymen indicates virginity, the absence of one is definately not a proof a girl is not a virgin.
“You become responsible forever for what you have tamed”. Antoine de Saint-Exupéry