choice.. you should have cleared this matter on MSN or by personal email with 'Omar' directly.
I don't think you did a right thing by jumping on QL and making this a big fuss by insulting him before discussing the matter. Did you talk to Omar about the link ?
He calims that you offered him 2 salaries ? If this is true, other way you are 'Corrupt Person' by offering bribe to a UNKNOWN person.
If this is true, I doubt what you teach to your students in French?
Am sorry but this guy is here and trying to clarify his position in the public. I think you should resolve your matter by email not on QL.
Also, I don't agree with QL MOD banning him on QL without any justified reason !!!
choice.. you should have cleared this matter on MSN or by personal email with 'Omar' directly.
I don't think you did a right thing by jumping on QL and making this a big fuss by insulting him before discussing the matter. Did you talk to Omar about the link ?
He calims that you offered him 2 salaries ? If this is true, other way you are 'Corrupt Person' by offering bribe to a UNKNOWN person.
If this is true, I doubt what you teach to your students in French?
Am sorry but this guy is here and trying to clarify his position in the public. I think you should resolve your matter by email not on QL.
Also, I don't agree with QL MOD banning him on QL without any justified reason !!!