CBD, thanks for your continuous replies.

You came now to the point - using knowing to define the unknown.

But my first post start with it... when all our senses (five plus one) could not give us clear picture of unknown.. then we need to bow and become humble.

We need to take help.... i will expand it a bit in this way... not only from religious scripture but from stories, mythology, which are spread across. The attempts made all over the world to know the indefinite unknown with definite knowing.

And that's the only way. It's like building a huge tower. First create the base then based on that base crate first floor, use the first floor as a base to create a second floor until we reach 100th floor. If we try to build 100th floor first at that location then we are trying to create impossible things. But still creating impossible things with possible things is possible provided we go step by step (here, rather floor by floor :-) )

The question is not on particular religion or somebody's faith. But exploring various known knwoledge and attempting it to define unknown.

In that sense more contribution is required from other team members on the attempts made all over the world thruout the time to define the unknown.

And if we can't get answers by seating in front of laptop or fathoming the net,,,,,, then journey starts in a particular person's life... to search the purpose of life.

So to start with, the purpose of the human life could be search the purpose of human life. (and when we say purpose we mean to say ultimate goal of human life and not day to day goal)