What you need to know about swine flu

A never-before-seen flu strain - a mix of pig, human and
bird viruses - has turned killer in Mexico and is causing milder
illness in the United States and elsewhere. While authorities say it's
not time to panic, they are taking steps to stem the spread and urging
people to pay close attention to the latest health warnings.
Here's what you need to know:

Q: How do I protect myself and my family?
A: For now, take commonsense precautions. Cover your coughs and
sneezes, with a tissue that you throw away or by sneezing into your
elbow rather than your hand. Wash hands frequently; if soap and water
aren't available, hand gels can substitute. Stay home if you're sick
and keep children home from school if they are.

Q: How easy is it to catch this virus?
A: Scientists don't yet know if it takes fairly close or prolonged
contact with someone who's sick, or if it's more easily spread. But in
general, flu viruses spread through uncovered coughs and sneezes or -
and this is important - by touching your mouth or nose with unwashed
hands. Flu viruses can live on surfaces for several hours, like a
doorknob just touched by someone who sneezed into his hand.

Q: Is it treatable?
A: Yes, with the flu drugs Tamiflu or Relenza, but not with two older
flu medications.

Q: Why are people calling it swine flu if it's not just from pigs? Did
it really come from pigs?
A: Pigs do spread their own strains of influenza and every so often
people catch one, usually after contact with the animals. This new
virus is a mix of human, pig and bird viruses but the name, for ease,
was shortened to swine flu - and unlike typical swine flu, it is
spreading person-to-person.

Q: So is it safe to eat pork?
A: Yes. Swine influenza viruses don't spread through food.




