Weather emergency or not, weather Qatari or not (HAGAER this is not about nationality), and for whatever reason...
1. If someone behind your car and speeding, OPEN THE WAY, even if you are doing speed limits it’s not your road and there is always another lane you can use.
2. If someone behind your car and speeding, OPEN THE WAY, even if they had no reason and doing it for fun (as me) by the way speed is not by nationality.
3. If the car behind you old or new, expensive or cheap, open the way and have some morals and kindness towards others.
4. Stop hanging everything you don’t like or –ve experience you have on locals!! And respect that they have a culture that might suit you or not, remember your culture doesn’t suit them as well! Remember that you are on their country and not yours! So adapt as other visit your country adapt to your country rules too.