Hmm very serious topic indeed. How could any true friend do something so criminal? These are some steps you could take against them.

1)Give them 1 month notice of "Termination of Friendship" Give extra grace period of 30 days just in case you cant find another friend to eat 50% of your chocolate bar when you offer them.
2)If the chocolate was very valuable, and passed down for generations in your family, then you can wait till your friend goes to take a dump, then dig for the extra chocolate, however mind you it will be a tricky task to distinguish between chocolate and kakalate.
3)Hire a lawyer to sue your friend and get back from him 10 times more chocolate bars, you can throw in mental stress and sleepless nights as side effects of your friend eating 3/4 of the chocolate bar.

......................................To be Continued.

Good Fortune always comes knocking at your door...when you are sh*tting in the toilet!! :)
