It is difficult to find perfectly true information. We, here in GCC, as you may have known already, have serious issues and concerns over Iran especially its nuclear program. We are potentially the first victim should something happen. However, when western countries like France, with infiltration of UK & US, equip Israel with nuclear program which is more threatening than Iran's, then we pray that Iran gets nuclear weapon so a balance is achieved. Unfortunately, no one is just in this world, but western powers have really misused power.
Back to holocaust, as far as I know, it did happen without a doubt but note the following please:
- it is believed that the reported number of victims, 6 million Jews, was so inflated.
- There are many people who were victims of the ghettos, so what is special about Jews? like you said earlier.
- There are people who survived the gas chambers who later, after WW2 ended, who stated the facts which was not pleasamt to Zionist. Those are eye witnesses!
- even if it is 6 million Jews, casualties of WW2 across the globe were 60 millions, so why only Jews are brought up and sympethised with?
- Even if the whole Jews were murdered by an Evil man like Hitler, how would it be justified to implant them in Palestine?
It is difficult to find perfectly true information. We, here in GCC, as you may have known already, have serious issues and concerns over Iran especially its nuclear program. We are potentially the first victim should something happen. However, when western countries like France, with infiltration of UK & US, equip Israel with nuclear program which is more threatening than Iran's, then we pray that Iran gets nuclear weapon so a balance is achieved. Unfortunately, no one is just in this world, but western powers have really misused power.
Back to holocaust, as far as I know, it did happen without a doubt but note the following please:
- it is believed that the reported number of victims, 6 million Jews, was so inflated.
- There are many people who were victims of the ghettos, so what is special about Jews? like you said earlier.
- There are people who survived the gas chambers who later, after WW2 ended, who stated the facts which was not pleasamt to Zionist. Those are eye witnesses!
- even if it is 6 million Jews, casualties of WW2 across the globe were 60 millions, so why only Jews are brought up and sympethised with?
- Even if the whole Jews were murdered by an Evil man like Hitler, how would it be justified to implant them in Palestine?
These are some thoughts.
I should probably not deviate from the topic too.