Curious, your position is correct but I know quite a few people who don't seem able to make the distinction between Jews and Zionists.

I know Hitler had no interest in a Jewish state, but there is no doubt that his actions helped to create it. In fact, there were pro-Nazi Zionists who saw Hitler as an answer to their dreams. One eminent Jewish Zionist actually worked with the Nazis - with Adolf Eichmann in particular, if my memory serves me - to trade non-Zionist Jews who would be delivered to the death machine, for the lives of healthy young Zionists who would be allowed to leave for Palestine.

One major Jewish leader in Palestine also wanted an agreement that his men would fight with the Nazis against the British, in return for German support for Israel.

It is all in LEnny Brenner's "Zionism in the Age of the Dictators" which is (or was) available free online.