I have never understood why people who hate Jews (Israelis) 1) like Hitler because he did, too; 2) Are outraged by the fact that people say Hitler acted on his hate; 3) Hold conferences to "prove" Jews weren't persecuted 4) are in favour of the obliteration of Israel and all the Jews living there.

I don't know about anybody else, but I can see certain logical contraditions in this.

There are equally strange contradictions on the other side: Never forget the Holocaust victims, says Israel, but when a Holocaust memorial rightly pays tribute to the Jews, homosexuals and gypsies murdered in the Holocaust Israel goes berserk and demands (successfully) that the other victims be removed and forgotten.

And for all the fuss about the Holocaust and "Never Again", nothing was done to stop it when the same thing happened again in Cambodia and Rwanda.

The irony of Arabs/Muslims admiring Hitler because they hate Israel is that without Hitler there would have been far less chance of Israel emerging in the form it has. King Abdel Aziz put his finger on it, when he asked Roosevelt why, when Europeans committed a crime, the punishment for it - Israel - had to be inflicted on the Arabs. The Muslim-Jewish problem is primarily the creation of Hitler and Herzl. Before then, the Ottoman Empire offered refuge to Jews being persecuted by the Catholics.