CDB - Thank you for saying that you are fine with American People, you just hate their government. Welcome to the club!
As far as the Us starting with crime, the Indians, well that was over 200 years ago. I am part Indian myself, Choctaw and I do not have a resentment towards the founding fathers of the US for that. I am sure if I did some research I could find facts that support the same for the ME. So let's just drop that one.
I agree that the US should not be interfering in the problems with Iraq. So we agree there.
Was Saddam Hussein an Iraqi? Didn't he gas a lot of other Iraqis because they were not Sunni or Shiite? (Sorry can't remember which) Doesn't that count as killing off your own people regardless of which sect of Islam they follow? What about that. Sure I'll give you the benefit of the doubt that the American government probably did get some oil out of Iraq, I will not deny or defend it because I do not know the facts. I do know that the Vice Pres of the US at the time, Cheney, was involved with Haliburton somehow. Seeing as how the government was very deceitful I can see oil being taken.
I am just tired of all the comments about the west being the source of corruption here on QL. It is all entirely false. People here are going to western establishments and eating. People here are buying American clothes and cars. If the government of Qatar thought this was hurting it's people, then I am sure that they would prohibit anything American from being here.
CDB - Thank you for saying that you are fine with American People, you just hate their government. Welcome to the club!
As far as the Us starting with crime, the Indians, well that was over 200 years ago. I am part Indian myself, Choctaw and I do not have a resentment towards the founding fathers of the US for that. I am sure if I did some research I could find facts that support the same for the ME. So let's just drop that one.
I agree that the US should not be interfering in the problems with Iraq. So we agree there.
Was Saddam Hussein an Iraqi? Didn't he gas a lot of other Iraqis because they were not Sunni or Shiite? (Sorry can't remember which) Doesn't that count as killing off your own people regardless of which sect of Islam they follow? What about that. Sure I'll give you the benefit of the doubt that the American government probably did get some oil out of Iraq, I will not deny or defend it because I do not know the facts. I do know that the Vice Pres of the US at the time, Cheney, was involved with Haliburton somehow. Seeing as how the government was very deceitful I can see oil being taken.
I am just tired of all the comments about the west being the source of corruption here on QL. It is all entirely false. People here are going to western establishments and eating. People here are buying American clothes and cars. If the government of Qatar thought this was hurting it's people, then I am sure that they would prohibit anything American from being here.
Motherhood...The hardest job you'll ever love! : )