I don't know who still believes in this as a treatment or a solution. Don't talk to me about raising good students in the schools, if these kids did not come with proper morals and ethics from their own home, then why do you think that you can do what the parents could not?
Dang, up to now i still remember that poor guy in my school when we were just at the first class in primary school. He could not say the alphabets or read Arabic properly because he is none Arabic. The teacher asked the two guys sitting in the front to hold his hands, while he was smacking his behind with his stick while the poor kid was screaming for mercy :(
It was really too much, strange that most of the other kids were laughing their aZZes off, some were petrified while i was shedding tears.
Do not dwell in the past, do not dream of the future, concentrate the mind on the present moment. (Gautama Buddha)
I don't know who still believes in this as a treatment or a solution. Don't talk to me about raising good students in the schools, if these kids did not come with proper morals and ethics from their own home, then why do you think that you can do what the parents could not?
Dang, up to now i still remember that poor guy in my school when we were just at the first class in primary school. He could not say the alphabets or read Arabic properly because he is none Arabic. The teacher asked the two guys sitting in the front to hold his hands, while he was smacking his behind with his stick while the poor kid was screaming for mercy :(
It was really too much, strange that most of the other kids were laughing their aZZes off, some were petrified while i was shedding tears.
Do not dwell in the past, do not dream of the future, concentrate the mind on the present moment. (Gautama Buddha)