the story is true and IF Paris Hilton inspect the leaning thingie. Am sure it will erect straight in no time and will penetrate the ozone layer :D
This story gives another example of Doha boredom consequences. Such rumors are floating for decades and taking different shapes. I remember when the Sheraton was being constructed, rumors started about its sinking 5 cms each year. Now after 27 years, it is still in place and in good shape. =====================================
the story is true and IF Paris Hilton inspect the leaning thingie. Am sure it will erect straight in no time and will penetrate the ozone layer :D
This story gives another example of Doha boredom consequences. Such rumors are floating for decades and taking different shapes. I remember when the Sheraton was being constructed, rumors started about its sinking 5 cms each year. Now after 27 years, it is still in place and in good shape. =====================================