moma - 3 things; the post is quite old, it was written partly tongue in cheek, and things aren't that far from what she mentioned.
You'll find prostitutes in every city of every country in the world. They'll have particular places where they hang out, and these places may change with time.
btw, if you don't know how to differentiate, how do you know they've stopped letting them in?
My understanding was that there is another place nearby where fellas go and hook up with one, and then they go into the hotel as a couple.
moma - 3 things; the post is quite old, it was written partly tongue in cheek, and things aren't that far from what she mentioned.
You'll find prostitutes in every city of every country in the world. They'll have particular places where they hang out, and these places may change with time.
btw, if you don't know how to differentiate, how do you know they've stopped letting them in?
My understanding was that there is another place nearby where fellas go and hook up with one, and then they go into the hotel as a couple.