I'll try to be balanced. Different people mature at different ages, which poses a dilemma for the imposition of an ago of consent. Some people can make ill-informed decisions about sexual activity despite being in their 20s or beyond. Others can make informed decisions despite their youth, although these are the exception, not the rule.
So you could argue either way that kids come of age when their body comes of age, or that they come of age at 16/19/21 etc. Both arguments are flawed, although I prefer age based legislations as they are obviously simpler to enforce and regulate.
If we argue then that a girl is sexually mature at puberty for intercourse, why do her parents still get to dictate who she marries? The parents seem to be having it a bit both ways, saying on the one hand the girl is old enough to for a shag, but not old enough to make her own mind up.
Similarly, in many cases husbands feel they have the right to demand and receive sex whenever they want it, even if their wife does not. They feel their wife fulfills a role similar to that of a prostitute - someone who will provide sexual gratification on his terms, and not necessarily with her consent.
Again, how is it that husbands can tell themselves on the one hand that their 15 year old bride is old enough to be screwed all night long, but not old enough to say 'no'?
I'll try to be balanced. Different people mature at different ages, which poses a dilemma for the imposition of an ago of consent. Some people can make ill-informed decisions about sexual activity despite being in their 20s or beyond. Others can make informed decisions despite their youth, although these are the exception, not the rule.
So you could argue either way that kids come of age when their body comes of age, or that they come of age at 16/19/21 etc. Both arguments are flawed, although I prefer age based legislations as they are obviously simpler to enforce and regulate.
If we argue then that a girl is sexually mature at puberty for intercourse, why do her parents still get to dictate who she marries? The parents seem to be having it a bit both ways, saying on the one hand the girl is old enough to for a shag, but not old enough to make her own mind up.
Similarly, in many cases husbands feel they have the right to demand and receive sex whenever they want it, even if their wife does not. They feel their wife fulfills a role similar to that of a prostitute - someone who will provide sexual gratification on his terms, and not necessarily with her consent.
Again, how is it that husbands can tell themselves on the one hand that their 15 year old bride is old enough to be screwed all night long, but not old enough to say 'no'?