Sadly even before the Taliban appeared and even after they are gone, such killings will continue to occur in Afghanistan. Read a bit about honour killings in Afghanistan, its very common. Its rather strange that only one such report has surfaced.
The Afghan Independent Human Rights Commission (AIHRC) has claimed that many of the honor killings happen when women or girls refuse to engage in arranged marriage or have "inappropriate" relationships. AIHRC says 185 girls have been killed by relatives so far in 2006, a large increase on last year's rate. As in other areas where honour killings happen, the true figure is probably much higher, especially in rural areas.
Sadly even before the Taliban appeared and even after they are gone, such killings will continue to occur in Afghanistan. Read a bit about honour killings in Afghanistan, its very common. Its rather strange that only one such report has surfaced.
The Afghan Independent Human Rights Commission (AIHRC) has claimed that many of the honor killings happen when women or girls refuse to engage in arranged marriage or have "inappropriate" relationships. AIHRC says 185 girls have been killed by relatives so far in 2006, a large increase on last year's rate. As in other areas where honour killings happen, the true figure is probably much higher, especially in rural areas.