we had one incident last night at a traffic signal, the lights were already green and the cars were not moving and when they did, only few seconds left the lights changed to red, so we were stuck there.. and then when the light turned green again, same thing happened,.. cars were moving slowly and there's this one car in the front of the line, guess why he wasn't moving on a green light -- he was chatting with his passenger!! grrr! http://www.blingchees
we had one incident last night at a traffic signal, the lights were already green and the cars were not moving and when they did, only few seconds left the lights changed to red, so we were stuck there.. and then when the light turned green again, same thing happened,.. cars were moving slowly and there's this one car in the front of the line, guess why he wasn't moving on a green light -- he was chatting with his passenger!! grrr!
