Posterial void driving a Silver Coloured Landcruiser tinted windows, actually cut up not one but two Learner drivers, not acceptable. It happens to me a lot but after more than 12 years here I come to expect it. But not to learner drivers. Learner drivers cause enough havoc on the roads but these clowns don't help at all. I am going to start posting the description of these fool's vehicle and number plates. Name and shame, that's what I say
Posterial void driving a Silver Coloured Landcruiser tinted windows, actually cut up not one but two Learner drivers, not acceptable. It happens to me a lot but after more than 12 years here I come to expect it. But not to learner drivers. Learner drivers cause enough havoc on the roads but these clowns don't help at all. I am going to start posting the description of these fool's vehicle and number plates. Name and shame, that's what I say