1.Doha needs more taxi units..
2. some drivers need a bath very bad, or if it's the passenger, they should at least furnish the cars with air freshener, i mean it's not that expensive to get one right?
3. they need to teach some of their drivers good manners, right conduct and professionalism towards work.. i didn't know Karwa drivers now have the right to choose passengers,.. or do they? we were waiting on the road for a taxi one morning, and we hailed this karwa so he stopped by. he asked as where we were going so we said Villaggio, and then the next thing we knew, he was saying he can't take us there and proceeded to move away from us.. but before he got far, i called him an a**hole, so he came back and asked me what i called him.. he asked for it by the way and i did not regret having called him that. i dialled their hotline to file a complaint against him and i hope the management look into it coz there are lots of drivers doing this,..refusing customers even when they don't have a booking to go to, Villaggio was only about 5 minutes away from where we stood so i find his excuse unacceptable..
