"Scholar slams stories on ‘illicit relationship’

A Muslim scholar yesterday slammed the publishing of “illicit relationship” stories in newspapers, saying that such news would only help undermine the ethics of society and spread adultery.
In his Friday sermon, Sheikh Mohamed Hassan al-Mreikhi said that publishing the news of adultery cases in newspapers posed a threat to the community.
“Some people think that freedom of speech should be without restrictions or rules. They misunderstand freedom as exceeding limits and turning their back on ethics and modesty,” Sheikh al-Mreikhi told a congregation of the faithful at the Omar bin al-Khattab mosque at Khalifa town.
“It is silly to highlight adultery cases in newspapers and delving into its detail. This will hurt people’s feelings, particularly children. It will only help promoting such behaviour,” he added.
The scholar also said that communities which allow the publishing of such news are “on the very of collapse and will be self-destroyed”.
“It is one of the main factors that contribute to the destruction of communities when the talk about adultery in public and publish it in newspapers,” he added.
He also said that communities which previously tolerated the publishing of such news, retracted after they found out the dangers of such freedom.
“These communities are now calling for outing restrictions over publishing such news. They felt the pinch of that freedom in terms of an outbreak of homosexuality, lesbianism, and incurable diseases. They started to ban TVs with pornographic content as well as articles which promote illicit relationship” he added."


"Deaths in the Bible. God - 2,270,365
not including the victims of Noah's flood, Sodom and Gomorrah, or the
many plagues, famines, fiery serpents, etc because no specific numbers
were given. Satan - 10."