Cynbob, how interesting (and unwise) of you to want statistics on gun deaths vs suicide bombing deaths.

From 1999 to 2005 in the US there were 200,703 firearms deaths. In the same period, there were 2,923 deaths from terrorism. (

Global stats for suicide bombings are harder to find. In Israel, 52 suicide bombings from 2001 to 2004 killed 288 people.

In Iraq about 14,000 people were killed by suicide bombers from the start of the invasion up to last summer, and that is the country worst affected.

Afghanistan must run to a few hundred as must Sri Lanka. Attacks in Bali, London, Egypt, Spain etc probably come to around another 1,000, and 9-11 another 2,000. Am I missing anywhere with significant suicide bombing deaths?

All in all, it seems likely that all the suicide bombings worldwide in recent years have accounted for fewer than one tenth of the deaths caused by firearms in the US alone in the first half of this decade.