You may not believe me, but I do understand why having a free press is laudable, which is why most economically and politically mature countries do.

And just as there are negative implications for maintaining control of the press, there are also benefits to be had for maintaining control over the media.

As I see it, a controlled press largely benefits the ruling elite, and the rest of the population suffers.

The only thing worse, in my opinion, than a controlled press, would be to have a media freedom center that itself is unable to operate freely. As I said above, such a situation would by extension call into question the integerity of all the other institutions within the country that are supposed to safeguard our wellbeing.

I don't believe the ruling elite in the country will ever allow a 'free press' (as someone from the west would describe it) so the best I would hope for is a situation where the various media are at least open and honest about the level of censorship/control that they are subjected to.