Tallg ... how can they take their centre away? It is the DOHA Centre. Menard can pack his bags and leave if he likes, I suppose they will just appoint someone less irritating.

To be honest, when I saw what was happening I thought that he had simply sold out - like one of those troublesome 1970s shop-stewards who used to reappear in a suit as a respected member of the management. I heard that prior to the establishment of the centre, Menard was living a luxury lifestyle at the government's expense and wasn't willing to make any comment on the state of media freedom in Doha, which seemed par for the course.

It was either naive or duplicitous of him to take the role of front-man in a Qatari project designed to burnish its international press freedom laurels (acquired with the establishment of Al Jazeera) expecting that the authorities were then going to change things here to suit him.

If I was sitting on top of QF I would be inclined to regard him as a money-grubbing back-stabber who had taken the Queen's Shilling only to betray the unspoken understanding about what his job was meant to be.