Erm.. Qatari culture is somewhat like Malay culture actually. Conservative. While I'm not Malay but my growing up environment was similar.
They are private people, sometimes shy if they are not confident of communicating in English. Many of my company guys are quiet too and keep to themselves.
As for "organize local event where expat can come and get to know more about qatari culture, without being judge as a rebel." - I thought the Qatar Guest Centre had that twice already in the past 2-3 months. I missed both because too busy working :0(
I think there are events around town, just not loudly advertised. Again, not in their nature to draw too much attention to themselves. They just quietly passed the word around. Not because they are elitists but because they are generally self effacing.
Don't want no drama,
No, no drama, no, no, no, no drama
Erm.. Qatari culture is somewhat like Malay culture actually. Conservative. While I'm not Malay but my growing up environment was similar.
They are private people, sometimes shy if they are not confident of communicating in English. Many of my company guys are quiet too and keep to themselves.
As for "organize local event where expat can come and get to know more about qatari culture, without being judge as a rebel." - I thought the Qatar Guest Centre had that twice already in the past 2-3 months. I missed both because too busy working :0(
I think there are events around town, just not loudly advertised. Again, not in their nature to draw too much attention to themselves. They just quietly passed the word around. Not because they are elitists but because they are generally self effacing.
Don't want no drama,
No, no drama, no, no, no, no drama