Shelly you already know me over a housing issue :)

I am asking because generally Indians give the best price to Indians, but it is a bit tricky sometimes as they have major social order and geographical location issues. I once took an Indian friend to the souq and ended up paying just about as much as I would have if I went alone, then it was explained that they were from rivaling parts of India (weird for me but as good an explanation as any). We then went over to the Silk center and I got some amazing prices due to commraderie.

My husband can sometimes get amazing prices in the souq but he also said it depends on who he deals with. For me, I end up getting the same inflated price no matter what. I will pop on by there this evening and see what kind of price he gives me and keep you posted.

"Diplomacy is the art of saying 'Nice doggie' until you can find a rock - Will Rogers"