PaulCowan is right.

In a recession, it's counter productive to tighten belts so much that there is no cash flow to float the economy. It's crucial for the State to spend, and it's also important for the people to spend. What goes around, comes around. We won't see the effect immediately but things will ease in time.

Just need to stay afloat in the interim and ride out the storm. Pessimistic outlooks will be detrimental in the long run. Every person, company, organization or State's actions will have further far reaching effects.

"State spending is the thing that insulates Qatar from much of the fallout of the global slump."

Personal spending is also that which helps insulate our surroundings from the fallout of the global slump. It's prudent to be careful about spending but not to be absolutely tight fisted, thinking that one is saving oneself but it affects other people around that person and ultimately, comes right around to affect that person itself. Even a little goes some way. Like a tiny ripple at the far edge of a pond - reaches and affects the entire pond. Just can't see it or feel its effects immediately.

Don't want no drama,
No, no drama, no, no, no, no drama