i think it needs to be established when a QL-er is already addicted... i, admittedly, got hooked with QL-ing the first time i signed up for an account, and an addict when it comes to posting... but that is where it comes to an end.. at least i don't think of QL when im asleep and i can also survive weekends without visiting QL... so there's hope for me yet...:P http://www.blingchees
i think it needs to be established when a QL-er is already addicted... i, admittedly, got hooked with QL-ing the first time i signed up for an account, and an addict when it comes to posting... but that is where it comes to an end.. at least i don't think of QL when im asleep and i can also survive weekends without visiting QL... so there's hope for me yet...:P