Item 1 - if you arrive between May and October the daytime temps are 40 - 50C

Item 2 - cyclists are seen as targets - you do not have any right to the road

Item 3 - buses are available - I have never seen a female on one in 2 years in Doha - not because they are not allowed. I imagine a lot of it has to do with reliable schedules (not happening) and the BO factor due to the heat.

Item 4 - car prices are not negotiable (much) you take or leave what the dealer offers. They don't care. Negotiation comes into the equation if you buy second hand.

Item 5 - penalties for harrassing (and that includes staring, whistling, general cat calls) are severe here. So long as you have a mobile phone with a camera (not expensive) and make a point of taking a picture and "talking" on the phone (supposedly to the police) in extreme situations, you won't have any problems. I've lived in the GCC for 10 years, only once have I felt uncomfortable.

Item 6 - you can always get a regular driver to take you to and from your place of employment and on an ad hoc basis (grocery shopping etc.) for a fairly reasonable rate.

The weather here between May and October is good (it's sunny) but it is also VERY hot (40-50C during the day with 100% humidity) even at night it only gets to the mid 30s and still 100% humidity.

Depending on your employer, you may be able to get a car loan fairly quickly. A rental will cost you about QAR1700/month for a Honda City, Toyota Tiida etc. If you have never driven in the GCC before, it can be very intimidating - no allowances for timidity here and no allowances for adhering to the rules of the road as we know them in Canada.
Signature line > "You can't fix stupid"