I couldn't agree more with Doody...........you have to do what feels right. But it does help to do your research with (and I stress) UP TO DATE METHODS with your own mothers intuition.
All summed up if I had to pass on any wisdom at all after having 2 kids it would be this:
1. You WILL forget the pain of childbirth, I promise. So don't chicken out and have a C-section electively. Trust me if you can give birth naturally, do so.
2. Love them and cuddle them all you want when they cry...........No, you will not spoil them by picking them up constantly (at least not for the first 6 months :)
3. Place them Back side down to Sleep and don't overdress them when out. I see mothers putting on layers and layers of synthetic clothing here! (again read up to date stuff, don't just rely on mum.....) and no honey before 1 yr of age, due to botulism spores which a babies digestive system cannot kill.
4. Breastfeeding is best (which I'm sure you have heard) and remember that during your first 40 days post pardum your body is super delicate and very up and down hormonally. Sweats, mood swings are common and breastfeeding will help normalize everything and helps your uterus contract too, so brings down the bulge :)
The first three weeks of suckling hurt for me, but hang in there, it does get better and it's the most beautiful thing in the world.
5. Relax and trust what you feel..........you are genetically wired to understand your child. You will know what to do, and stand firm if people interfere too much. Listen to advice if you like and ignore what you don't agree with.
I couldn't agree more with Doody...........you have to do what feels right. But it does help to do your research with (and I stress) UP TO DATE METHODS with your own mothers intuition.
All summed up if I had to pass on any wisdom at all after having 2 kids it would be this:
1. You WILL forget the pain of childbirth, I promise. So don't chicken out and have a C-section electively. Trust me if you can give birth naturally, do so.
2. Love them and cuddle them all you want when they cry...........No, you will not spoil them by picking them up constantly (at least not for the first 6 months :)
3. Place them Back side down to Sleep and don't overdress them when out. I see mothers putting on layers and layers of synthetic clothing here! (again read up to date stuff, don't just rely on mum.....) and no honey before 1 yr of age, due to botulism spores which a babies digestive system cannot kill.
4. Breastfeeding is best (which I'm sure you have heard) and remember that during your first 40 days post pardum your body is super delicate and very up and down hormonally. Sweats, mood swings are common and breastfeeding will help normalize everything and helps your uterus contract too, so brings down the bulge :)
The first three weeks of suckling hurt for me, but hang in there, it does get better and it's the most beautiful thing in the world.
5. Relax and trust what you feel..........you are genetically wired to understand your child. You will know what to do, and stand firm if people interfere too much. Listen to advice if you like and ignore what you don't agree with.