Thanks for the greetings. I don't know how much you know about Canada and its culture and education. Canada and Canadian system is one of a kind when it comes to social integration, respecting others, and peaceful interactions. To make the story short, I have three boys (10, 7, and 2), and they are so respectable to others and so peaceful. To a a degree, where I am a bit annoyed about it. I am struggling to teach my kids to be aggressive when there is a need for it. They always resort to peaceful ways in resovling any conflicts or aggression committed against them at school. The are so obedient to rules and polices. I want them to be street wise, and when things turns rough, they can handle it.

So may be they will gain some of this by moving to Doha!! I hope you understand my point, I am not an agressive or agressor, but boys (future men) they need to be tought to stand up for themselves if there is a need for it.

US culture is totally different, and it is more in the aggressive side compared to Canada. Currently I work in US (since June 08), but I did not move my family yet. I am in a cross road, where I need to decide once and for all if I am going to move to Arabic country or settle for ever in NA. Giving my kids the opportunity to be fluent in arabic and experince Islamic/Arabic culture and true religious feastivities have been playing in my mind for few years. It is vefry difficult to hear my kids speek arabic in a funny way/tone.