SIC, I'm not even upper class anything. I go to city centre precisely because of the security and I can enjoy a book without having to be constantly alert about my surroundings.
I always rather shop in FFP and Lulu, etc. but I have to ensure that I drag along someone with me (usually a couple) and I don't like imposing on other people's private time. I mean if they happen to be going, then I just tag along happily but the fact is that everybody's busy with their own lives so I'm left on my own. And I get disturbed everywhere, I have to be high alert ALL the time. I have a highly stressful job 6 full days of every week and my only day off is Friday. I want to be left alone in peace to enjoy my day.
To my critics - I should stay home? Nope. You can criticize me all you want but what you clearly show is your preoccupation with yourself.
If you give me a choice, I would prefer to park myself in places surrounded by curry smells. I love Indian food and my best friends are Indians. But I can't go out here alone without being disturbed and I cannot drag my friends along all the time so where does that leave me?
/Having said all that,it's impossible to speak sense to some people. Reality check - look at yourself in the mirror first.
//No further comment (unqualified).
Don't want no drama,
No, no drama, no, no, no, no drama
SIC, I'm not even upper class anything. I go to city centre precisely because of the security and I can enjoy a book without having to be constantly alert about my surroundings.
I always rather shop in FFP and Lulu, etc. but I have to ensure that I drag along someone with me (usually a couple) and I don't like imposing on other people's private time. I mean if they happen to be going, then I just tag along happily but the fact is that everybody's busy with their own lives so I'm left on my own. And I get disturbed everywhere, I have to be high alert ALL the time. I have a highly stressful job 6 full days of every week and my only day off is Friday. I want to be left alone in peace to enjoy my day.
To my critics - I should stay home? Nope. You can criticize me all you want but what you clearly show is your preoccupation with yourself.
If you give me a choice, I would prefer to park myself in places surrounded by curry smells. I love Indian food and my best friends are Indians. But I can't go out here alone without being disturbed and I cannot drag my friends along all the time so where does that leave me?
/Having said all that,it's impossible to speak sense to some people. Reality check - look at yourself in the mirror first.
//No further comment (unqualified).
Don't want no drama,
No, no drama, no, no, no, no drama