I certainly understand your reluctance to trust this dishonest agent! You could do a bit of a wait-and-see to find out if he will pay you the back amount owed. That wouldn't hurt your subsequent court case should you decide to file one. Ask him to provide you with a firm re-payment date and number of "installments" and tell him you will go to court if he doesn't meet that date. I might think it would help your case if you showed you had given him every chance to make this right.
I certainly understand your reluctance to trust this dishonest agent! You could do a bit of a wait-and-see to find out if he will pay you the back amount owed. That wouldn't hurt your subsequent court case should you decide to file one. Ask him to provide you with a firm re-payment date and number of "installments" and tell him you will go to court if he doesn't meet that date. I might think it would help your case if you showed you had given him every chance to make this right.