Obviously the PERSON looking after the farm and horses is not doing what they SHOULD be doing if the smell is as terrible as you say.

It is certainly not the fault of the compound, or the horses for that matter. It's the fault of the owner of the farm that should be taught how to take care of his animals. Personally I do not find the smell of horses offensive in any way. They are herbivores, and therefore if kept clean there should be no 'bad' smell. Or maybe you are just too sensitive.

Sadly this attitude (both yours and the owners) are so common place here in qatar.............and guess what happens in the end? the poor animals suffer because of the sheer lack of human morality............. If it's not complaining about farms and horses, it complaining about the dog next door! Which ends up in the compound changing its rules, and dog owners facing eviction or having to abandon their animals! Do you think that is fair?

Why not bring it up with Al Asmakh, and have them talk to the farm owner?

In the west, there a ZONING laws to prevent these exact scenarios.