Seriously people get a life ok, i mean for freaks sake 4 pages over this? The man took a decision to leave khalas..stop pestering him to come back. From what i've seen now, u all want him back, IF he does come back how many of you same people even turn up for any event? I for one have not been to any of the QL gatherings in a long time, coz i mean come on you guys go do the same things every week? if you are not sipping coffee in the same place you are smoking sheesha in the same place, almost 3 weeks or more in a row i got emails about meeting for drinks in the SAME bar. i mean is that all that the social group is about now? Coffee, sheesha, dinner and booze? i can only handle doing the same thing over and over again for only so long. Frankly i'm sick of it, i remember the time there was such a thing called "sports" day, we'd go bowling or play pool how long has it been for that?

Secondly its a QL social group fine, but from what i see everyone within the group has made their own little groups, and whenever a event is held they go like "so are you going? if your not going i'm not going" in the end hardly anyone turns up. Darude being the boss was basically the only one who had to show up if he liked it or not and thats not what it should be like. WE as memebers should plan for things ourselves, what we would like to do etc, if its something major like going on dow trips or desert safari that can be organised by the group leader. We all want to leave it up to Darude to do everything while we sit on our arses waiting for invitation emails.

Good Fortune always comes knocking at your door...when you are sh*tting in the toilet!! :)
