for safety. The speed limit in our compound is 15 and yes, Almost ALL of the children (including mine) play in the street. Why, because the yards are way too small. where do you want them to ride their bikes? It may be annoying to you, but there is no other alternative. Some parents watch closely, others do not. I warn my kids EVERY DAY to be careful. Unfortunately kids are kids and forget things 20 seconds after you tell them. It sounds as if you don't have children yourself. Please, it is the hardest job in the world and give us a break. We are doing the best we can in the situation.
for safety. The speed limit in our compound is 15 and yes, Almost ALL of the children (including mine) play in the street. Why, because the yards are way too small. where do you want them to ride their bikes? It may be annoying to you, but there is no other alternative. Some parents watch closely, others do not. I warn my kids EVERY DAY to be careful. Unfortunately kids are kids and forget things 20 seconds after you tell them. It sounds as if you don't have children yourself. Please, it is the hardest job in the world and give us a break. We are doing the best we can in the situation.