any news i cant find anything on it other than the qatarhappening announcement!!!!
is it on or off!!!!
I dont wana waste my thurday nite sumwhere else if the beach party is gona be on!!!!
IF not i will have to wait till he followin thursday for the housexy (as i missed the last one while away in bahrain)
If nyotha party is scheduled for thursday incase the nikki thing is off, do leme knoww!!
@ M.S being 2 months short of 21 resulting in missing ot on tiesto wud have been a real heart break but bravo for pulling it off!!
normally the admin are so eagle eyed in this regards
Life is too short to think about the uneditable past and plan about the unpredictable future!!!!!
So take a chill pill
Relax, enjoy and savour the moment till u can and it lasts.
Whats the update on the Nikki thing!!!!!!
any news i cant find anything on it other than the qatarhappening announcement!!!!
is it on or off!!!!
I dont wana waste my thurday nite sumwhere else if the beach party is gona be on!!!!
IF not i will have to wait till he followin thursday for the housexy (as i missed the last one while away in bahrain)
If nyotha party is scheduled for thursday incase the nikki thing is off, do leme knoww!!
@ M.S being 2 months short of 21 resulting in missing ot on tiesto wud have been a real heart break but bravo for pulling it off!!
normally the admin are so eagle eyed in this regards
Life is too short to think about the uneditable past and plan about the unpredictable future!!!!!
So take a chill pill
Relax, enjoy and savour the moment till u can and it lasts.