Hmmn ... u r too negative my dear. If u didnt get a response that doesnt mean that you are an unqualified person or the person sitting on the judging seat is unqualified. They most probably got a person who was much appropriately experienced in the job. Its not very polite to say the person u know was junior to u & now working in a better place with better pay & based on his junior level to you, you consider yourself superior & think if s/he can get this they why cant I. If this why cant I is out of jealousy then you would never reach half of the place he has reached but if this is a positive competition then that's a different case & definitely you would win one day. QP & RG have similar work standards, I used to work in RG & this is how the selection of candidate goes.

1. Department raises requirement for personnel towards HR

2. HR, as per request, at first checks the suitable candidate from the resumes already on their files, if they do not find them they publish an advertisement either in local newspaper / international newspaper + they update their webpage for the job too.

3. Regarding nationality wise payment, ofcourse, all the supervisors have a pay scale sheet with them where they mention the grades, salaries & years of experience for any position & when they interview the candidate they offer them the payment according to the paysheet they have & not as per their own choice or liking.

4. Suitable candidate is asked to come for a test, then his / her scores make them eligible to be called for a further related department interview, if the department is satisfied from his / her qualifications they attach their remarks to their cvs & forward to HR. Btw their interviews are arranged by the HR in the first place. At last, HR calls for the 2nd & last interview to discuss about pay package.

At my time there were 42 nationalities working with them & they do not hire ppl based on nationality its basically requirement & they try to bring in as much nationalities as possible to create multi-culture atmosphere.

CONFUSE ............ if you cannot convince!
Glitter Words